Ferry Building Renovation and Retrofit

San Francisco, CA

Built in 1896, the monumental Beaux Arts Ferry Building, designed by A. Page Brown, is a San Francisco landmark. Built entirely over piers, the Ferry Building was redeveloped by opening the central nave for most of the 660-foot length of the building. The restored three-story, skylit space features restaurants and retail shops at ground level and 175,000 sf of first-class office space on the upper floors. The project also included expansion of the East Promenade located on the deck behind the Ferry Building to provide enhanced public access to the bay and ferry terminal. R+C provided structural engineering services for the project.

Since completing this major renovation project, R+C has continued to work on a variety of tenant improvement and repair projects at the Ferry Building.

“Leavening peerless structural engineering skill with humor, philosophy, people skills and, above all, a consummate understanding of San Francisco's permitting process, [Alan] saw this project through.” –Ferry Building Client

175,000 sf

Outstanding Civil Engineering Project Award, American Society of Civil Engineers, Golden Gate Branch, San Francisco Section
California Preservation Foundation Design Award
AIA SF Design Award, Honor Award


Preservation of historic façade during extensive demolition within the building

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Ferry Building logo.

Leavening peerless structural engineering skill with humor, philosophy, people skills and, above all, a consummate understanding of San Francisco's permitting process, [Alan] saw this project through.