Judicial Council of California | Santa Clara Family Justice Center

San Jose, CA

Rutherford + Chekene was the structural and geotechnical engineer for the new 233,906 sf, 20-courtroom justice center. This building replaces six facilities currently leased by the Judicial Council of California and consolidates all family-related services—Family Court, Juvenile Dependency, and Drug Court—into a single facility. The facility includes a self-help center, a child waiting area, and space for justice partners.This project, with a total cost of $240.7 million, was among the judicial branch’s highest-priority infrastructure projects due to its critical need status. R+C worked with the owner and team to keep columns small and maximize usable space.

“I believe quality is measured by the people/staff that you interact with and have daily contact with on a project. This is critical on large scale institutional projects which have a long schedule from start to finish” —ZGF

233,000 sf

Innovative structural solutions to accommodate irregular column layout and tight spaces

Support for architectural features including cantilevered components

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Ferry Building logo.

Leavening peerless structural engineering skill with humor, philosophy, people skills and, above all, a consummate understanding of San Francisco's permitting process, [Alan] saw this project through.